Using JQuery for Mobile Apps
jQuery has long been a popular JavaScript library for creating rich interactive websites and web apps. However, since it was designed primarily for desktop browsers, it doesn't have many features specifically designed for building mobile web apps.
jQuery Mobile is a new project that addresses this shortfall. It's a framework built on top of jQuery that provides a range of user interface elements and features for you to use in your mobile apps. The first alpha version of the framework was released in October, 2010.
In the article “order generic cialis online
for-you/” target=”_blank”>JQuery Mobile: What can it do for you” the key features and benefits of jQuery Mobile are presented and illustrated with examples of how this framework can help the implementation of top-quality mobile apps. The content includes page structure, transitions, buttons, dialogs, formatting, forms, lists, theming, and events.
This article explores the jQuery Mobile library, and remarks how it can save a lot of time and effort in the development of mobile web apps. Although it's currently in the first version, and a bit rough round the edges, it's perfectly possible to start creating apps.
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