HTML5 Wireframe and Mockup tool
MockupTiger allows developers to build wireframes, mockups and prototypes. It is a web based prototyping application that offers widgets to build dashboard wireframes or website mockups. It provides
scalable library of vector icons, text widgets, containers and boxes and dashboard chart widgets.
It is a web based HTML5 prototyping application that is fast and flexible.
Some of the features:
- Freedom: use it on the desktop or host it on a domain/website;
- Hand-drawn sketches: switch sketches to hand drawn lines or use default lines;
- Intuitive Interface: drag and drop, flexible font size and text controls, alignments, fill, stroke, colors and transparency controls;
- Projects, pages and users: organized in projects and folders, unlimited projects and unlimited mockup pages;
- Focused work environment: work in full screen mode, resize the top and left panels.
Further information can be accessed at: