Mobile Devices Favor Internet-Based Delivery
The adoption of tablet-devices in the enterprises may be a new emerging driver for SaaS adoption. The iPad paved the way, with the popularity of the new devices causing IT managers to consider how the iPad or other tablet devices could be incorporated into the enterprise IT environment.
Gartner recently surveyed a number of CIOs and discovered that 85% have been getting requests to support the iPhone, iPod, or iPad within the corporate environment. Only 15% are supporting iPads today, but this number is expected to move materially higher over the next few years. This trend is significant for two reasons. First, the growth of iPads or other tablet devices in the enterprise means that more users will wa
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nt to access their applications from those devices. Second, because the early leaders in the tablet market are non-Windows devices, installing Windows-based enterprise applications directly onto an iPad or Android device will not be an option. While there are a variety of ways to access enterprise applications on an iPad—Citrix Receiver, for one— the easiest method may be to allow users to access those applications via their browser, a trend that favors SaaS.
This content was was originally published by Morgan Stanley Research, on May 23, 2011, in the report entitled “Cloud Computing Takes Off”.
The original article can be accessed in:
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