Final Review Meeting
Serenoa project has been concluded yesterday, when the final review meeting took place in Brussels at the EU venues. All deliverables have been successfully approved and the reviewers evaluated both the progress of the project and the final achievements as satisfactory. A set of five demos have been presented as well as the outcomes of all work packages of the project. The goal was to demonstrate to the officer and to the reviewers all the Serenoa achievements. A final assessment report, containing further details about the evaluation, is being prepared and it will be soon delivered by the project officer.
Some of the source code of the applications generated are publicly available, and can be retrieved from a repository hosted at google code. Moreover, all the deliverables have been published in the website, most of them are available for public access. Serenoa counts with an extensive list of dissemination documents, covering specific activities and tasks of the project, such documents complement the contents of the deliverables and can be retrieved also online at our website.

- No public Twitter messages.
All about Serenoa
Funded by the European Commission
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