Deliverables M24
During these weeks the Serenoa team is concentrated in concluding the final adjustments for the submissions of the deliverables of month 24. In total, 12 deliverables must be concluded and submitted to the project officers and reviewers for analysis.
Different topics were considered, including: the reference models that support context-aware adaptation, such as meta-models and use cases, the evaluation criteria that are relevant to analyse adaptation results, algorithms of machine learning that aim at optimizing the adaptation process, a framework that supports the implementation of context-aware adaptation, potential prototypes and scenarios of application, and also the standardization actions of the project within the W3C MBUI Working Group.
For the next month (September 2012) a set of 6 deliverables will also be concluded and submitted, covering further topics such as: the Serenoa language (semantics, syntax and stylistics), architectural specifications, authoring environments, first results of evaluation, Serenoa's exploitation plan and the results of the second advisory board meeting.
In October, a Periodic Report will be prepared, briefly describing the tasks performed, current status and presenting figures and statistics about the project.
The date of the next review meeting is to be decided soon. However it will probably take place on November 13th, right before the CASFE'2012.
CASFE'2012 is the Serenoa's workshop dedicated to discuss the state-of-the-art in the domain of context-aware adaptation and the exchange of experiences. Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their works to this workshop, which will join researchers and practitioners from different expertise domains, but with a common interest in adaptation.
Further information about the workshop are available online at: CASFE'2012.

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Funded by the European Commission
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