4th f2f meeting of the W3C working group on MBUI
Serenoa partners of W3C, UCL and CNR/ISTI joined the 4th face-to-face meeting of the W3C working group on model-based user interfaces. The meeting is part of the standardization efforts of Serenoa project. It took place on July 10th and 11th at RedHat – Munich (Germany) and counted with 11 participants of different institutions and universities. The meeting was dedicated to decide the last changes needed on the AUI document before publishing its first working draft. Moreover, the participants discussed the next updates for the task model and planned their future efforts.
The creation of the community group has also been announced. The community group named Ubiquitous Applications is open for public participation and aims at reaching more industrial interest in the domain. More information about this WG can be accessed online.
The minutes of the face-to-face meeting are also publicly available. They can be retrieved at the website of the group.

- No public Twitter messages.
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